Sunday, January 23, 2011

Grand Islamic Center of St. Louis, Missouri, USA

 Executive Summary


The need to raise and educate our children in an Islamic environment is evident as our children are getting lost in the public school system because their needs are not being met. They are at a disadvantage because they are in conflict with the non-Islamic environment and attitudes they face everyday by attending public school. What they see, what they learn and who they learn it from pulls them away from their Deen little by little. We send our children into an environment where they are the minority, and subject them to the ways of those whose ideology is inconsistent with the teachings of Islam.

The Grand Islamic Center is working towards opening an accredited Islamic School for Muslim children KG through 12, insha Allaah.

For this purpose, Grand Islamic Center had been in search of property to purchase to be the home of the first and only Islamic School in the St. Louis city area. The student population indicates that there are over 35,000 Muslims - of which almost 20,000 are school-aged children in the immediate vicinity. Not all, but many of these families would be served by this school.

We have found that the property we currently occupy is available; it suits our needs and is ideal for the purpose identified. This property is located in the heart of the Muslim neighborhoods. It is a building made up of three sections. One is currently being rented for the Masjid and will remain that way. The other is empty and can be utilized for the school. The third is a laundromat which generates $20,000 - $25,000 a month before expenses. It is surrounded by parking. All of these buildings are occupied and used with permission of all zoning and local laws.

We have negotiated with the owner and they accepted our offer, al-Hamdulillah. The asking price is $1,000,000. Now we must raise the funds so that we are able to acquire it. We must make du’a and join together to do all we can and raise the funds to establish a Masjid seeking the Face of Allaah.
We must remind ourselves that the future of our children is worth every effort in striving and sacrifice. We want to give the current and future generations an ideal environment for learning. We want to give them every opportunity to develop as strong Muslims who put the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger sallaa llaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam first in their lives.

2.   Background of Grand Islamic Center

The Grand Islamic Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and spiritual growth of the Muslims in a healthy, respectful and supportive religious environment.

a.   Profile

In 2003, a group of Muslims joined together to initiate religious classes in various languages. From then on, the group has grown in numbers and in languages and has continued to conduct classes on a regular basis. Members speak Arabic, Bosnian, English and Somali along with a minority of other languages.

In 2007, the group filed paperwork to become incorporated in the state of Missouri and rented an empty warehouse and converted it into a community center.

b.  Major Activities

Since 2003, the group of individuals who started the Grand Islamic Center have provided the community with religious, educational and recreational programs in safe and enjoyable environments. These programs include:

·        A Weekend school of 80-100 children (Madrasatu Ibn Abbas)
·        Weekend camping trips
·        Summer programs for children
·        Pre/post Marriage Counseling
·        A wide variety of classes in Aqeedah, Hadeeth, Fiqh, Arabic, Qur’aan and more
·        Hosting Scholars from Palestine and Kuwait
·        And more

3.   Intended use of the Property

The primary use of the property is for a Masjid and an accredited Islamic school.
  • A Masjid which is open for all 5 daily prayers and Jumu’ah.
  • A Fulltime school for children in grades KG through 12, as well as daycare.
  • Weekend school program, academic study/tutoring, communications and social enhancement skills enhancement, religious studies and lectures
  • Summer School Programs
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) classes
  • Career counseling and job orientation for high school graduates
  • Various workshops
4.  Funding

Primary sources of funding will be from school tuitions and school-owned businesses, insha Allah.

The main business will be the long, well-established Laundromat. It currently generates between $20,000 -$25,000 a month. After utilities, salaries, etc. the profit is $11,000 or more per month. This would mean that we would create an income of more than $125,000 a year which can provide for any updates, additions or programs without having to ask anyone besides Allaah ever again. This would be unique in America as the only self-sufficient Islamic Community Center that we are aware of.

By the Grand Islamic Center intending to establish a school-owned business we will be able to reduce the tuition and fees making the school affordable for even the poorest of families. Tuitions, however, will still hold a sure and consistent position in funding.

Another source of income will be individuals who have supported our efforts thus far and monthly pledges.

Activities will be conducted in relationship to rules and regulations governed by non-profit status and general funding techniques.

5.  Ways to Acquire Property
  •  If 1,000 (one thousand) people would each donate $1,000 we would reach our goal without causing great difficulty on any one person.

  • Larger donations from generous Brothers and Sisters which would reduce the number of people donating $1,000.
  • Business partnership which would allow investors to make a profit while establishing a Masjid and an Islamic School at the same time. Details would be discussed with interested parties.
Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W.) said " Whoever builds a Masjid for Allah, Allah will build a house for him in Jannah (Paradise)." Please buy a brick to build the St. Louis Grand Masjid.

Information contained in the above document
 is to be used only for the intended purposes
of the Grand Islamic Center and its Assigned Representative.

Grand Islamic Center
3415-R South Grand
St. Louis, MO 63118
Phone: (314) 771-3311

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Inshallah Let's Build the St. Louis Grand Masjid.

The St. Louis Grand Masjid has embarked on an initiative to raise $1,000,000 to buy a 15,000 square feet property. We ask the Muslim Ummah to participate in the fund-raiser for Allah's Blessings. The details of the program is outlined below:

What you see?

1,000 bricks = 1,000 people with $1,000 each. Each of the 1,000 bricks will be sold for $1,000 to raise $1,000,000 to build the Grand Masjid.

Click the image to enlarge it.

What you get now?

The $1,000,000 raised through the brick sales will be used to purchase a 15,000 square feet property in the heart of St. Louis City. The property has an established Masjid with an attached building for a full-time Islamic School. It also comes with a well-established laundromat business which nets $125,000 a year to cover all expenses, projects and programs so that the Grand Masjid can be self-sustaining.

What you get later?

A house in Jannah (Paradise).

Uthman said the Messenger of Allah sallaa Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever builds a Masjid for Allah, Allah will build a house for him in Jannah (Paradise)."

The St. Louis Grand Masjid contact information:

Location: 3415 South Grand Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63118.

Phone: (314) 771-3311



Please build the Masjid for Allah. You will be Blessed while on this earth and hereafter.