Sunday, November 21, 2010

Inshallah Let's Build the St. Louis Grand Masjid.

The St. Louis Grand Masjid has embarked on an initiative to raise $1,000,000 to buy a 15,000 square feet property. We ask the Muslim Ummah to participate in the fund-raiser for Allah's Blessings. The details of the program is outlined below:

What you see?

1,000 bricks = 1,000 people with $1,000 each. Each of the 1,000 bricks will be sold for $1,000 to raise $1,000,000 to build the Grand Masjid.

Click the image to enlarge it.

What you get now?

The $1,000,000 raised through the brick sales will be used to purchase a 15,000 square feet property in the heart of St. Louis City. The property has an established Masjid with an attached building for a full-time Islamic School. It also comes with a well-established laundromat business which nets $125,000 a year to cover all expenses, projects and programs so that the Grand Masjid can be self-sustaining.

What you get later?

A house in Jannah (Paradise).

Uthman said the Messenger of Allah sallaa Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever builds a Masjid for Allah, Allah will build a house for him in Jannah (Paradise)."

The St. Louis Grand Masjid contact information:

Location: 3415 South Grand Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63118.

Phone: (314) 771-3311



Please build the Masjid for Allah. You will be Blessed while on this earth and hereafter. 

1 comment:

  1. Inshallah we'll build the Grand Masjid.

    Iqbal Ahmed.
